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47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst

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Enable your development and product teams with easy access to the OSDU™ Data Platform, delivered in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. You can choose between dedicated and multi-tenant options based on your organizations needs to balance amont, cost, flexibility, and control. Your subscription includes 24/7 availability and cost-management features. The instance enables end users as well as software and workflow development teams to test applications against OSDU Data Platform APIs and navigate seamlessly through software POC, pre-production, and production releases. The easy-to-use interface helps you manage users and groups, query the OSDU Data Platform, and access a dashboard to monitor platform status and service health. No matter which instance type you choose, you will have access to the user interface within the 47Lining portal, where developers can interact with the OSDU Data Platform APIs and use the APIs to load test datasets specific to your organization and quickly start innovating.

47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst removes the burden of OSDU Data Platform installation, setup, and access and allows developers to take advantage of repeatable processes and OSDU Data Platform milestone releases as they become available.

When testing applications against OSDU Data Platform APIs, your developers can rely on supported, maintained OSDU Data Platform instances to accelerate application readiness and optimize application development lifecycles.

OSDU is a trademark of The Open Group.


Aligned to the OSDU Standard

Leverage a repeatable deployment to easily take advantage of the OSDU standard, access a diverse ecosystem, and eliminate reliance on point solutions.

Enterprise Ready

47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst is based on the AWS distribution of the OSDU Data Platform and takes advantage of the security features of the AWS cloud. Each milestone release of the AWS distribution undergoes an application security review provided by AWS. By subscribing to the AWS distribution in a repeatable SaaS model, you can deploy the platform in a push-button manner to unlock enterprise-grade capabilities for security, operations, and support.

Offered as-a-Service

Get started quickly and without significant upfront costs. The PaaS model converts CapEx to OpEx and offloads maintenance and updates.

Getting Started

Getting started is as easy as going to AWS Marketplace and subscribing to the offering.

Account and Billing

Once you subscribe from your AWS account in AWS Marketplace, 47Lining fulfills your subscription within a SaaS AWS account that 47Lining provides. If you choose a dedicated-tenant subscription, your Data Platform deployment will reside in an AWS account dedicated to your organization and managed by 47Lining. If you choose a multi-tenant subscription, 47Lining creates a new data partition dedicated to your organization in an OSDU Data Platform instance shared with other multi-tenant subscribers, in a common AWS account that 47Lining manages..

Pricing is based on an on-demand model designed to minimize barriers to evaluation, learning and adoption of the OSDU standard and the most recent development release of the OSDU™ Data Platform. You pay only for what you use with hourly pricing, and can unsubscribe whenever you'd like. Your pricing is predictable because all underlying AWS services are included in your subscription.

Each month, AWS Marketplace charges will be included on the AWS invoice for the AWS account from which you subscribed.


For dedicated-tenant subscriptions, 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst is currently offered in the following AWS regions:

  • us-east-1 US East (Virginia)
  • us-east-2 US East (Ohio)
  • us-west-1 US West (N. California)
  • us-west-2 US West (Oregon)

For multi-tenant subscriptions, 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst is currently offered in the us-east-1 AWS region.


How can I use Adoption Catalyst to easily use an instance of the OSDU Data Platform?

It's as simple as subscribing to 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst in AWS Marketplace. 47Lining fulfills your subscription using a fully automated provisioning process, and you can begin to use the data platform within a couple of hours. After fulfillment, 47Lining manages your data platform deployment so your team can focus on optimizing your exploration & production applications, workflows, and data.

What is the difference between Dedicated-Tenant vs Multi-Tenant Adoption Catalyst

Upon subscription confirmation, 47Lining launches an automated SaaS fulfillment process that creates an OSDU Data Platform hosting environment with the latest, validated milestone release of OSDU Data Platform.

  • For the dedicated-tenant option, 47Lining creates an AWS account dedicated to your organization and deploys the OSDU Data Platform on your behalf.

  • For the multi-tenant option, 47Lining creates a new data partition in an OSDU Data Platform instance maintained by 47Lining and shared with other multi-tenant subscribers. Your data partition within the multi-tenant instance is dedicated exclusively to you, and your users and data remain private.

Because the costs of underlying resources and AWS services can be shared across many multi-tenant subscribers, multi-tenant subscriptions cost less than dedicated subscriptions.

How much does 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst Dedicated-Tenant cost?

Your dedicated instance of 47Lining Enterprise PaaS – Adoption Catalyst is available 24/7 and includes cost-management features. This allows you to turn the instance off when your team does not need it. You will be charged $11 per hour for your instance. You can reduce the cost to $5 per hour by disabling API endpoints when you do not need them.

Additional pricing details:

  • Data Platform Users - You will be charged $0.07 per hour for each provisioned Data Platform User.

  • Data Under Management - You will be charged $0.47 per hour for data above 100 GB for binary data stored.

How much does 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst Multi-Tenant cost?

Your partition of 47Lining Enterprise PaaS – Adoption Catalyst is available 24/7. You will be charged $4 per hourfor your subscription.

Additional pricing details:

  • Data Platform Users - You will be charged $0.07 per hour for each provisioned Data Platform User on your partition.

  • Data Under Management - You will be charged $0.47 per hour for data above 100 GB for binary data stored on your partition.

What do I get with 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst?

Once your environment is provisioned you will have a fully functioning OSDU Data Platform with the latest generally available OSDU Forum milestone release. Your subscription includes the OSDU Services, test datasets, sample applications from the OSDU forum and a Management Console supplied by 47Lining to interact with your OSDU Data Platform.

What is 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production Foundation?

Production Foundation allows you to easily request and operate multiple instances of the data platform together with application workloads, across multiple deployment environments like development, integration, acceptance, and production. Production Foundation is available in preview now for select customers and includes the features and capabilities typically required by operators running production deployments.

Contact Us

If you have questions about 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst or would like assistance from our Professional Services team, please contact us and a 47Lining process transformation specialist will contact you to discuss your needs.